Wordpress learning

What tools to use?


  • Flywheel
    • live preview with ngrok server for free
    • it configures everything for me automatically so I don’t have configure anything manually.
    • Very fast setup and easy to use.

How to create a new theme in wordpress?


  • Reveal wordpress project in a folder.
  • Go to app>public>wp-content>themes.
  • Create a new folder. The naming convention should look like this. “my-theme”
  • Create an index.php, style.css.
  • Add the following comment in your style.css [important]
        Theme name: My Theme
        Author: Prince Billy Graham
        Version: 1.0

    Except the theme name, all other parameters are optional here.

  • (Optional) Add a new image in the same folder named “screenshot.jpeg” which has to be a dimension of 1200x900px

blogInfo() function

blocgInfo() is a prebuild function in wordpress. and can give us specific information. more…

blogInfo('name') //prints the wordpress site description
blogInfo('description') //prints the wordpress site tagline

How to work with wordpress classic editor?

  • Go to Add new Plugin
  • Search for “Classic Editor” by wordpress and install it.
  • Activate the plugin and from now on you will see the classic editor instead of the new block editor

The Famous loop (The loop)

This is a special kind of loop which is commonly used for adding content to pages.

<?php while(have_posts()) { the_post(); ?>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" >
    <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    <p><?php the_content(); ?></p>
<? } ?>

Note: The same format will be used even if thier is only one content.

What page in theme folder wordpress uses for what purpose?

  • index.php -> home page
  • single.php -> post page
  • page.php -> general pages
  • We can create a separate file named header.php where we can keep our header.
    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
      <?php wp_head(); ?>

    Notes: Here wp_head() function is necessary to add default wordpress header.

  • We can also create a footer using a file named footer.php.
    <?php wp_footer(); ?>
  • To add this to a specific page like index.php, post.php and pages.php we need to call two specific functions
    • get_header(); –> Adds the contents of header.php to the page
    • get_footer(); –> Adds the contents of footer.php to the page
  • We can also add custom styles to wordpress using wordpress hooks. For that we need to create a new php file named functions.php and write the following codes:
function add_my_custom_style() {
    wp_enqueue_style('my_custom_style', get_stylesheet_uri());

add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'add_my_custom_style');